
- ACM - Assoc for Computing Machinery
- AEL - Alpha Epsilon Lambda
- AIA - American Institute of Architects
- AMA - American Medical Association
- CAA - College Arts Association
- CC - Catalyst Connection
- CSI - Construction Specs Institute
- CYFAR - Children Youth & Families
- FASA - Fine Art Student Association
- GATF - Graphic Arts Tech Foundation
- HDI - Help Desk Institute
- IEEE - Institute Elec Electronic Engr
- IRMAP - Information Resource Assoc
- MESPIN - MEdia SPecs INstitute
- NAR -National Assoc of Realtors
- NSTF - Natl Scholar Trust Foundation
- OCCS - OmniClass
- PICA - Print Industries of Carolinas
- PMI - Project Management Institute
- PTC - Pittsburgh Technology Council
- SPIRC - SW PA Indul Resource Ctr
- WPIAL - W Pa Interschol Athletic Leag
- YET - Youth Engaged in Technology
- To Be File
- To Be File
- To Be File