AMA "American Medical Association" ASSOCIATION

American Medical Association
The AMA is the nation's leader in promoting professionalism in medicine and setting standards for medical education, practice, and ethics.
Founded in 1847 by Nathan Smith Davis, MD, the AMA is one of the oldest professional associations. Ironically, upon its founding, the idea was initially thought by medical experts to be a bit overly "utopian " AMA's work includes the development and promotion of standards in medical practice, research, and education; strong advocacy agenda on behalf of patients and physicians; and the commitment to providing timely information on matters important to the health of America.
The AMA strives to serve as the voice of the American medical profession. Being that voice is the mission Dues: Physician – ½ yr. $18 Resident – ½ yr $20.25 Retired – ½ yr. $37.80 Student – ½ yr. $9.00.