Barton James Christner, M.F.A., B.S
President , Washington Community Arts and Cultural Center
"Barton James reflects a published artist, technologist, and author whom dedicates his career to youth development through digital media, training, and production. A prior executive with Dick's Sporting Goods, Novell/Cambridge Technology Partners, and a tenure-track professor, he has taught dozens of distinct courses at Daytona State College and the Advanced Technology College, adjuncting at Penn State, Robert Morris, and Clemson Universities. He managed programs in Canada, Germany, Ireland, and the Dominican Republic. Barton James Christner envisioned, assembled, designed, wrote, shot, and layed-out every aspect of the images and projects represented -- including the pages for this book. He often travels between Palm Coast beaches and a Washington lakefront cabin, thriving on time spent, setting out on adventures mentoring his sons, Reed and Lucas."