CYFAR "Children Youth & Famillies" SERVICE LEARNING

Children Youth and Families at Risk
The Pennsylvania Children Youth and Families Are Resilient (PA CYFAR) program has been active since 1996. The primary goal of PA CYFAR is to promote building resiliency and protective factors in youth, families and communities. Youth Engaged in Technology is the current PA CYFAR project that started in July 2003. T
he previous PA CYFAR project was the State Strengthening Project and although extramural funding has been discontinued, two sites are still operating. PA CYFAR is funded by The Cooperative State Research, Education, and Extension Service (CSREES) through the national CYFAR Initiative. The National CYFAR Initiative supports collaboration -- forming lasting partnerships to achieve greater outcomes and to provide a support base for sustaining programs beyond the initial funding.
The National CYFAR Initiative's vision is of American families and communities in which children and youth lead positive, secure, and happy young lives while developing the skills, knowledge, and competencies necessary for fulfilling, contributing adult lives.
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