2020 05 07 REFERENCE "Peggy Holman" LETTER

- May 7, 2020
- Dear Sir/Madam,
- I’m writing to recommend Barton Christner for [an executive board position]. I met and worked with Bart during Media Seeds, an experiment implementing media solutions in a rural, Appalachian media desert. Media Seeds was a project of Journalism that Matters, a nonprofit I co-founded that supports people who are transforming relationships between journalism and communities.
- Bart was an essential part of the Media Seeds team, bringing both his creative eye and execution skills to the project. His contributions included the ZIPit.NEWS website, logos and other imagery for the project and website, beautiful and compelling photojournalism, articles, and the striking layouts for direct mail cards (EDDM) that brought news to rural counties in Southeast Ohio.
- I experienced Bart as enthusiastic, supportive, and as good as his word in following through on his commitments.
- He has my recommendation for whatever position he pursues.
- Feel free to contact me should you need further information.
- Sincerely,
- Peggy Holman
- Co-founder, Journalism that Matters