2020 04 21 REFERENCE "Melanie Wicinski" LETTER

- April 21, 2020
- Dear Sir/Madam:
- This letter is in reference to Mr. Barton Christner. I met Mr. Christner working at Florida A&M University (FAMU) and have known him for almost 2 years. I have found Mr. Christner to be an eager and engaged faculty in the assessment process. During the time I have known him, he has participated in converting the assessments in his program, Graphic Communication from our old platform (LiveText) to our new one (Nuventive). Along with the conversion, he also improved the assessments by creating, researching, developing criteria, gathering input data, and submitting Graphic Communication’s 2020 task lists. We have frequently utilized his assessments as “best in class” to educate other departments on assessment quality. To date, Mr. Christner has developed the following assessment products for his Graphic Communication Department Plan, two rubrics, and Google Sheets shared cloud color-coded summaries.
- While these items benefitted his program, Mr. Christner also presented them at the inaugural Assessment Day (November 6, 2019) to a diverse group of faculty, staff, and administrators --alongside his School’s Dean [Dr. Michelle Ferrier], our assessment team, our Division’s Vice President, the Provost and the University President. His presentation included how the aforementioned items were developed, used, and were eagerly shared with all who attended the conference. Mr. Christner’s presentation was well-received by all presentation attendees, evidenced by this high satisfaction scores.
- We have also had the privilege of being one of Mr. Christner’s clients. Our office was interested in a new logo and he was able to ask the appropriate questions to determine what we were seeking. As such, he was able to develop a logo (located at the top of this letterhead – the “A”) that was enthusiastically received by diverse staff of 5. All are in agreement that it fits the overall needs of our office, is representative of our role, fits in with the university logo, and are pleased that it is unique to us. In addition to being used as our primary logo, Mr. Christner also incorporated his design into our Assessment Day logo, which will be used for our now-annual event.
- I have found Barton Christner to have an infectious attitude. He is an eager participant in all aspects of academia. He willingly engages with his fellow faculty, administration, and assessment personnel and enthusiastically shares any developed resources or knowledge.
- Mr. Christner has my highest recommendation for any position he seeks. Should you require any additional information, I can be reached at the number or email found below.
- Kindly,
- Melanie Wicinski, Ph.D.
- Director, Office of University Assessment (OUA)
- Melanie Wicinski, Ph.D.