2019 04 01 REFERENCE "Tom Yost" LETTER

April 1, 2019
To Whom It May Concern, Regarding:
Barton James ChristnerI've known Bart a half dozen years, and what I can say about him is that the worn out adjective "Astounding" comes to mind. You may say that's trite, until you suggest a project to him to think about, get up to get a drink of water, and by the time you sit down again, the project's done and he's asking you, "what's next." Not only is the project done, but it's kind of marvelous in so many different ways.
Bart started with a Degree in Electrical Engineering for building things, but he has a sense of color, form and symmetry that led him right into a Master's Degree in Fine Art, so he can put things together in ways you've never thought about. For example, at the direction of the President of Daytona State College in Florida, Bart personally designed, developed and initiated a two-year degreed course in Digital Media, which he then implemented and taught in Ireland (Tyrone-Donegal Partnership) and The Dominican Republic (Funglode) in conjunction with the President of that country.
I have this knack for finding intelligent, gifted people to hang around with which leads to hours of great discussions. I am always surprised at Bart's depth of knowledge across so many fields. I keep waiting for him to suddenly come out with something like a Broadway Musical on the Spirituality of Electrical Engineering as related to color vibration and the Double Tetrahedron!
With so much knowledge and so much energy, his real passion, in addition to photography, is teaching. In Ireland, the course he developed and taught was used as a means to bring young men of Catholic and Protestant backgrounds together in projects to show them they can work as partners together. Bart has true compassion for others, especially for his students and other young people. It's truly interesting to see how he can create a fascination for the subject he's speaking to. And, he brings real life experience from his extensive business background with major corporations, in combination with an in depth background in all the components of education a great teacher needs.
I see Bart Christner as a Renaissance Man, who can bring to his students real world vision and practicality in what ever field he takes on. His accomplishments to date, as you will see in his resume or on his "LinkedIn" site, will be virtually eye opening. I can, therefore, highly recommend Mr. Christner to any College or University department, who I am sure will benefit greatly from his breadth of knowledge, and his intelligence, dedication, energy, and loyalty.
Thomas L. Yost, Retired, BA, Cht., Cha.
Phoenix, Arizonayerpalty@gmail.com