2011 04 06 RECOGNIZE "Robert Saum" LETTER

- April 6, 2011
- I served on the committee that hired Bart Christner and was very impressed by the enthusiasm he had about teaching and his concern for his students’ learning.
- Since that time, I have worked with Bart on numerous projects and he still remains passionate about teaching and continues to find innovative ways to engage his students’. We collaborated on a workforce development project in the Dominican Republic where he produced a series of instructional materials and videos which were uploaded to our media server and then closed captioned in Spanish. It was this project that inspired a grant that helped my department expand its video production capabilities.
- Bart always seems to keep his students’ learning experience at the forefront of his curriculum. I know he has invested thousands of his own dollars to produce a series of videos so that his students could review the material at any time. He has also willingly shared his materials with his peers. That is the hallmark of an educator, someone who unselfishly gives of themselves for the benefit of their students.
- Bart will surely be missed but I know wherever he goes he will bring an excitement and enthusiasm for learning that will infect others and motivate them to new levels, both faculty and students.
- Sincerely,
- Dr. Robert R. Saum
- Dean, Florida Online
Letter of Reference