2011 03 28 COMMEND "Frank Mercer" LETTER

- March 28, 2011
- To whom it may concern:
- It is my pleasure to give my highest recommendation to Barton James Christner for his service to the college through the Center for Business & Industry (CBI).
- Since 2005, the CBI has provided digital media and television production training to a group of 18 young adults from Ireland. This training is accomplished through a contract with Tyrone Donegal Partnership (TDP), a non-profit organization based in Ireland, and takes place in the spring over a three month period.
- For three years Mr. Christner served as instructor, trip leader, coordinator and program manager. In these roles Mr. Christner has built strong relationships with TDP executives and group managers, both of which have expressed much satisfaction with the quality of his instruction and coordination. As instructor Mr. Christner developed and delivered customized curriculum in Photoshop, Photography, Video Production and Web Design. Mr. Christner’s experience with the program, coupled with his background in broadcast television, has enabled him to develop a seamless interface between the digital media and television production components of the program.
- As program manager, Mr. Christner was required to meet with both TDP leaders and students prior to their arrival in the United States. The purpose of this component is to further customize curriculum, evaluate student knowledge and skills, and gain firsthand experience with the Irish culture, especially the historical conflict between Catholic and Protestant.
- Each year of his involvement Mr. Christner developed and refined customized course materials, appropriate level projects, and coordinated with our project consultant to plan required trips and outings. Additionally, Mr. Christner worked with the college’s marketing department, and various media outlets to publish over a half dozen articles about the program.
- Sincerely,
- Frank Mercer, Director
- The Center for Business & Industry
Letter of Reference