2011 03 21 CHARACTER "Brandon Crews" LETTER

- Ref. Character Reference for Bart Christner
- 3/21/11
- I have known Bart for about a year now and have had the privilege of being his friend and fellow photographer. Having seen Bart in the classroom I can attest his repoire with the students is second to none. He enjoys being around them as well as they with him. He is one of the most positive people I have ever been around. He has an excellent eye for photography. Bart is a self starter, in addition to teaching at the school he has also taken it upon himself to assist the foundation at school, start up a website for the photography department, and start a studio to sell his own work and services. Bart will be a valuable addition to any organization he decides to join and will add to its value.
- Feel free to contact me with any further questions.
- Regards,
- Brandon L. Crews, DC
Letter of Recommendation