2009 06 19 COMMEND "Rich Grego" EMAIL

- June 19, 2009 (Excerpted from a private email discussion)
- Hey man -- .... The message I left you was actually a really good one. I'm on (yet another) committee re: online policy-making (with Rob Saum and Mike Vitale -- and also Shawn Friend, Andrea Reese, and Michael Flota, so its pretty cool) and at the last meeting we were talking about Rob Saum's opinion about how people are generally doing (quality of their work) -- And both he and Mike Vitale specifically said that, although they're worried about some Professors who just use publisher content and put nothing into their classes, "Bart Christner" is an example of how great Professor's can be -- And went on to rave about how you've created a cutting edge program at your own expense! (The four of us agreed that you're a genuine Prophet, Greek God, and Patron Saint of all that's holy, of course) --- Anyway, just wanted to let you know! ....
Dr. Richard Grego, Associate Professor
Philosophy, Religion, Cultural History
Department of Behavioral/Social Sciences
Daytona State College
Letter of Reference