2005 08 29 THANKS "Board Of Commissioners" LETTER

- August 29, 2005
- Dear Mr. Christner;
- The Board of Commissioners would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your recent participation in the Prevention Fair held by the Washington Drug & Alcohol Commision, Inc.
- As a Board, we want to personally thank you for your positive influence in Washington County and for your enthusiasm to drug and alcohol prevention, intervention and treatement. We are confident that with your help, we can work together to make a difference to promote awareness and improve the quality of life of someone affected in any way by drugs and alcohol.
- Again, we thank you sincerely for your participation in th ePrevention Fair and your efforts in making Washington County a community that takes action to encourage a positive and healthy lifestyle.
- Sincerely,
- Washington County Board of Commissioners
- Larri Maggi
- Bracken Burns
- Diana L. Irey
Letter of Thanks