2005 01 27 THANKS "Phil Hoy" LETTER

- January 27, 2005
- Dear Washington High School YET Club Members,
- I would like to thank you for your input on the conference call this past Friday. As you know, the YET program is new and you are the first members of this program. Becasue it is new we are constantly looking for ways to improve the program. Your input on the conference call gave us ideas for improving the program.
- We will be inputting some of your suggestions. We will create a second level for website development and provide you with more advanced web editing tools. We are also working on updating the GIS curriculum to make it more interesting. And we are working on setting up the nanotech camp fieldtrip for this summer. This is just a few of the improvements that we will be making.
- Without your help the YET program would not be as successful as it is. Thank you for the support and input.
- Sincerely,
- Phil Hoy
- State YET Project Coordinator