2000 07 06 COMMEND "Stuart Scott" EMAIL

- From: Stuart Scott
- Sent: Thursday, July 06, 2000 9:23 AM
- To: Dennis Butler
- Cc: Bart Christner
- Subject: new kind of training
- Dennis
- Bart Christner just showed me some methodology training he's assembled in his spare time for the CPs in Central. Bart came to Cambridge in March from US Web, and has a fair amount of experience with the UX design process.
- He's created a draft of a training presentation that we should review together. For each type of UX deliverable, he's assembled half a dozen interesting visual examples. Some of the examples are actually from other industries, but show how similar types of diagrams or models solve similar problems in science or architecture or what have you. It's kind of like those highly visual books for kids that consist largely of pictures and captions, with minimal introductory text for each two-page segment.
- I'm impressed by Bart's prototype. At this point, he needs to continue drafting the captions (they're mostly in his head), and he needs to put the whole thing into electronic form via PhotoShop and Page Maker. (In his spare time.) But I want you to be aware of this approach, because I think this is useful in two ways: as a training tool that will soon be available in alpha form for a select group of people to use, and as a model for future training.
- I'll bring my copy to Cambridge on the 20th so you can see what it looks like.
- Note to Bart: Last night I showed the prototype to Jason Nortillo and Gary Sanborn. They liked it, but noted that they would rather you dropped the IBM examples and any others that feature competitors. Guess they had a rough pipeline review meeting yesterday!
- Stuart
- V.P. Corporate Methodology, International