1999 01 27 COMMEND "Lee McCaffrey" EMAIL

- To: Bart Chrtistner
- From: Lee McCaffrey
- Sent: Wednesday, january 27, 1999 11:39 AM
- Subject: CMU Application (to Carnegie Mellon University MFA Graduate School Program)
- (Bart,) Since you were paranoid enough to check the block, "I do not waive any right of access that I have to this recommendation form." I might as well let you read it before I submit it. That way, I have some legal protection in case you decide to sue me for defamation of character. So, as soon as you can overcome your sleep deprived condition, let me know if my verbosity is too pompous, or if the irony is dripping too much........
- In making this evaluation, what group are you using as a comparison?
- Instructional design specialists, training specialists, and project managers.
- How long have you known this applicant, and in what capacity?
- The candidate and his employer, USWeb, were recommended by professional staff members of Robert Morris College to assist PNC Bank in creating video and Internet training solutions. The relationship began approximately 10 months ago.
- Please descrtibe the particular stregths and weaknesses of this applicant. Also describe any special talents or experience. If you can find nothing to say, please give the applicant's trait and weakest trait.
- Mr. Christner has shown to me an exceptional ability his highly technical reservoir of knowledge with his prodigious interpersonal skills. The result of the convergence of these two disparate strengths is an amazing ability to demystify the Internet development process and at the same time provide a non-threatening avenue for "non-technical" participants to provide input into any project (Project Life Cycle).
- I did not see any overt "weakness" in Mr. Christner's performance. Any improvement opportunities for Mr. Christner would revolve around his zel for continued improvement. As his excitement and passion for advancing his technological skills increases, he must keep in mind the current state and limitations of his client's capabilities.
- If you have worked with or supervised this applicant on a project, please describe the project and give an evaluation of the applicants performance.
- PNC Bank needed a cost effective method for delivering time sensitive training material to several hundred geographically disbursed vendors. Mr. Christner and USWeb were selected to develop the site and train my group on how to maintain the site. Mr. Christner was the project manager and liaison for US Web. Having worked with several vendors on previous computer based training and video productions, my expectations of the quality of the relationship were low. In my experience, most vendors attempt to influence the production of a program to meet their processes, methods, or software preferences rather than meeting the needs of the client. Mr. Christner showed an extreme orientation toward meeting our needs and using software solutions that were best for us at this time. The project is a success and Mr. Christner's contributions are the primary reason for the success.
Memo of Commendation