1998 08 14 RECOGNIZE "Lee McCaffrey" LETTER

- (excerpted from longer email praising Clay Kisker and Barney Lee as well)
- From: Lee McCaffrey
- Sent: Friday, August 14, 1998 7:13 PM
- To: Marco Cardamone, Partner, USweb
- Subject: Special Thanks on an EXCELLENT job!
- Marco -
- I wanted you to know how pleased I am with a project I recently completed with your organization. It was a short video explaining an especially dreary bank regulatory piece. My special thanks goes to Bart Christner, Barney Lee and Clay Kisker. Each one of them exceeded my expectations and provided a level of service that you usually read about in books. If you don’t mind, I’d like to point out how I became convinced that I made the right choice with USWeb....
- Bart Christner, I feel deserves special commendation. I found his methodical method to be very (and let me use the term usually not used in business) comforting.
- Though we teased him about “Bart’s Binder Business”, his project management style brought an unusual clarity to, what to me, was a mysterious and misunderstood production process. The storyboards your team created saved me hours in review time and helped the entire PNC team crystallize their thinkingabout the conceptual design of the video. I am sure you have worked with corporations before that have argued incessantly during this phase of the process. I expected us to be the same.
- Bart’s project management methods smoothed the way for prompt decisions and actions on our part. But it’s not just the process that made this project so effortless. I have to give some credit to Bart himself. Bart’s graciousness is exemplary. His willingness to please is unmatched. I felt ashamed when I privately accused him of being a sales person putting up a phony front for the sake of a new client only to find out he was not a sales person, not on commission and not making recommendations designed to squeeze extra dollars from PNC’s pockets. Bart is a person that you cannot for any reason, lose to your competition,.
- I’m not done singing progresss of your team but I’ve rambled enough. I think the best way to close is with this. We’ll be doing more business together in the near future!
- Lee McCaffrey
- Sr. Vice President
- Corporate Training
- PNC Bank