1993 01 05 CONGRATS "Butch Trent" LETTER

- January 5, 1993
- Dear Bart:
- It's great to know that you have a new job and that you enrolled in graduate school. We, here at the Union, hope things work out well for you.
- You may be interested to know that Bill Mandicott, former Program Director of our Union, is the Director of the Union and Student Life at Frostburg State College. He's a great guy and a person you really should get to know. He may even help you in some way.
- I, too, have accepted a new position. As of the beginning of this year, I am serving as the Director of Alumni Relations and Development for Student Affairs. I am currently developing this new position. I greatly enjoyed my time with the Union, but felt that it was time to move on. I am working out of my office in the Union until my new office in Clemson House is ready, so I am able to socialize with my Union "family."
- Again, congratulations on your new position. Keep in touch.
- Sincerely,
- Butch Trent