1988 04 20 CONGRATS "Charles Jennett" LETTER

- Clemson University
- College of Engineering
- Office of the Dean
- April 20, 1988
- Mr. Bart Christner
- P. O. Box 6202
- Clemson University
- Clemson, SC 29232-6202
- Dear Bart:
- Attached is a letter from President Lennon. He wishes me to congratulate you on a job very well done and I would like to take the opportunity to tell you how proud all of us are for your artistry in designing the cover of the Spring 1988 issue of Feedback (IEEE Feedback Magazine).
- Yours truly,
- J. Charles Jennett, Ph.D., P.E.
- Dean of Engineering
- JCJ:nr
- Attachment
- cc: Dr. Max Lennon
- Dr. Aaron Collins