2007 09 13 APPOINTED "Academic Coordinator" EMAIL

- Wednesday - April 16, 2008 8:12 AM
- From: Michael Vitale
- To: Bart Christner; Frank Mercer
- CC: Bob Williams; Frank Lombardo
- Subject: Re: Academic Coordination Work Needed for Ireland Project
- Frank
- Bart Christner is now the person to work with on the coordination of the academic component of the Ireland project.
- Mike
- >>>On Tuesday, April 15, 2008 at 3:16 PM in message, Frank Mercer wrote:
- Mike,
- Given the recent changes affecting te Ireland project, with whom do I work to coordinate the academic component of this project? There is some work needs to be completed very soon if the project is going to be a success.
- Obtain instructors, suitable class/lab, and supply lists for the following classes.
- - Apple Macintosh OSX & Adobe Photoshop Basics
- - Digital Photography
- - Digital Video with Apple iMovie & Final Cut Pro
- - Web Design Basics & Adobe GoLive
- Myself, project coordinator, Ray Huther, and Channel 15 contact, Camri McCormik, will need to consult with the person that helps with this task before they begin.
- Thanks,
- Frank Mercer
Email of Appointment