1998-1992 MANAGER "InVenture Group/IBM/Fisher"

- Invented, designed, manufactured sensor activated, in-store, audio P.O.P. shelf units.
- Invested, patented, managed spin-off P.O.P. entity, as SMG (Sound Marketing Group).
- Coordinated, managed relationships with nine IBM Software Labs, worldwide.
- Developed initial $1.5 million IBM “BESTeam” software re-seller channel program.
- Architected, managed sets of 14 CD, cataloguing IBM’s 250 full-line of software products.
- Managed channel projects: Industrial Electronics (IE), FedEx Ground (RPS), EI/USWeb.
- Managed training: ATT Multi-Source (MSFS), Training Development Resourcss. (TDR).
- Initiated, architected, implemented Fisher’s first-ever $2 million e-Commerce catalog.
- Developed process, converted 2,600 pages, 11,000 images and 180,000 product SKU’s.
- Partnership to ProcureNet’s e-supply chain, IBM’s OS/2 & TV/2 Software Lab, Manassas, VA.
- 1997-1996 Director, "Shelftalker" Contract, SMG, IG, BJ, Mt. Lebanon, PA.
- 1997-1995 Manager, "MSFS Software" Contract, ATT, TDR, IG, BJ, Mt. Lebanon, PA.
- 1997-1995 Manager, "BESTeam Account" Contract, IBM, SMG, IG, BJ, Mt. Lebanon, PA.
- 1996-1995 Manager, "Multi-Weight Ground" Contract, FedEx/RPS, IG, Coraopolis, PA.
- 1995-1992 Manager, "e-Sourcing" Contract, FSI, IG, Pittsburgh, PA/Manassas, VA.
- 1994-1984 Videographer, "Video Guide" Contract, MST (weekends), Ohiopyle, PA.
- 1997-1995 Instructor, "MSFS Exec. Training" Curriculum, TDR, ATT, Basking Ridge, NJ.
- 1996-1995 Instructor, "MSFS Onsite Training" Curriculum, ATT, TDR, Mt. Lebanon, PA.
- 1994-1993 V.P., "FEAT (Fisher Empl. Activity Team)" Curriculum, FSI, Pittsburgh, PA.