WCTC "Wash. Communities That Care" SERVICE LEARNING

Washington Communities That Care
"Helping kids…my neighborhood, my community and me"
Washington Communities That Care (WCTC) is an initiative designed to address the trend of increased juvenile delinquency in our community. Not only do we want to understand its causes, but to work together to change the trend. We want to see delinquency in our community decrease. We are all an integral part to that process. Our Mission is to support a community that fosters the healthy development of responsible, self-reliant, compassionate citizens. We believe that all adults in our community share responsibility for nurturing, educating, and supporting our children. Through our collaborative membership we provide the following programs and services in our community: -Continue to support "The Incredible Years", an award winning program that helps families with children, ages 2-8 years, cope with the many issues that parents face. The program enhances parenting skills and provides a positive environment to share experiences and ask questions. The program is offered in two sections, a beginners and advanced class. The classes meet once a week for 10-12 weeks at Even Start in the MillCraft Center. Trained facilitators from Washington Hospital Teen Outreach conduct the program. -Continue to develop and work with Neighborhood Teams to encourage a sense of community throughout the area. -Support Neighborhood Crime Watch, block parties, neighborhood clean-ups, citizens participation at city council and school board meetings. -Implement activities for youth as an alternative to substance abuse and juvenile crime through a joint effort of community resources.