JPCL "J. P. Coatings & Linings" MASS COMMUNICATION

Journal of Protective Coatings and Linings
The "Journal of Record" for the protective and marine coatings market, and the official journal of SSPC, the Society for Protective Coatings, JPCL, is a focused on the technology, specification, and application of architectural coatings and related materials. Each month, JPCL delivers reliable, non-biased information on new technology and good practice in the use of high performance anti-corrosion coatings and linings for steel and concrete structures - bridges, ships, oil and gas facilities, offshore platforms, power generation facilities, water storage and treatment, wastewater treatment, pipelines, railcars, and every type of industrial plant. JPCL is one of the paint and coatings-focused titles from publisher Technology Publishing Company/PaintSquare. Related publications include Durability + Design; Paintsquare News; and Paint BidTracker.
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