HCC "Hillsborough Community College" ACADEMIC

Hillsborough Community College
Hillsborough Community College (HCC) is fully accredited by the Commission on Colleges of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS) with four campuses and two centers across Hillsborough County in the Tampa, Florida area.
The school offers associate degrees, including associate in arts (AA), associate in science (AS), and associate in applied science (AAS). All degrees are designed to prepare students for four-year colleges or universities, except for the AAS degree.
This degree focuses on preparing students for entry-level positions in the workforce. In addition, continuing education, certificates and distance learning classes are also available. With Hillsborough Community College's distance learning classes, students can obtain certifications, college credit and even entire degrees without ever stepping foot on campus. Classes are conducted online with coursework completed online, too.
Read more: Hillsborough Community College Information, Academics, Admissions, Financial Aid, Students, Athletics, Alumni, History, Campus, Students, Faculty, Address, and Tuition http://www.stateuniversity.com/universities/FL/Hillsborough_Community_College.html#ixzz19BgMTIxF