Greater Washington County Food Bank
"Feeding the Hungry in Washington County"
Feed hungry people by soliciting and judiciously distributing food and grocery products through a countywide network of food pantries, and educate the public about the nature of and solutions to the problems of hunger. In carrying out its mission, the Greater Washington County Food Bank is committed to standards of performance represented by the following values in which we believe:
Integrity: We will be open and honest in all relationships, dealings, and transactions. We will strive to earn and convey trust through openness and honesty.
Stewardship:We will keep faith with the public trust through the efficient and compassionate use of resources entrusted to us. We will strive to be mindful that the mission is accomplished through the generosity of others.
Accountability: We will set clear standards for the benchmark against which to measure competence, efficiency and record keeping and report information, and all will be subject to an annual independent audit.
Service: We will commit to provide excellent service. We will contiinually strive to study, understand and meet the changing needs with competence and compassion.