DSC "Dick's Sporting Goods" ECOMMERCE

Dick's Sporting Goods
Based in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, Dick's Sporting Goods operates over 100 full-line sporting goods stores across 21 states, while outsourcing one of the best known, award winning websites within the sporting goods industry (view techyvent article). In the fall of 2000, Global Sports (GSI), an outsource company specializing in sporting goods ecommerce, began to handle the buying, merchandising, web design, and development for Dick's Sporting Goods on-line initiative. GSI's breadth and depth included more than 1,000 sporting goods brandsĀ encompassing more than 160,000 SKUs.
Prior to the GSI relationship, Dick's Sporting Goods, in cooperation with USWeb/CKS, managed an ecommerce division with growth from a half dozen, to over 65 employees in under two years. The url www.dsports.com was purchased, venture capital raised, and subsequent cost centers established: Finance/Administration, Merchandising, Copy, Content, Technology, Interactive, Animation, Graphics, Photography Studio, Process Control, Usability, and 24x7 Customer Service (email, and remote telephone centers, Columbus, Ohio). The Dick's eCommerce Production Division published over 40,000 products in 1999. The division undertook several departmental responsibilities including on-line Information/Content, Media Technology, Creative, Quality, and Customer Service. The digital photo department proposed, staffed (Q3-Q4, 1999), organized, and directed: 2 digital photography studios, 4 cameras, 22,000 images shot, 72dpi used on-line (300dpi archived for print tab, Sunday circulars, regional across 14 states).
Typical turnaround for product photography went from 3 weeks to two days; additionally, the resultant image acquisition costs were reduced by $1.5 million (per image costs, including overhead, decreased from a typical $75 dollars each to $5.40 each, multiplied by the 22,000 product images actually shot in 1999). Highlights: On-going, on-line promotions: events, holidays, contests, sports activities, affiliate, etc., web pages, in conjunction with $12 million seasonal marketing campaigns (TV, radio, print, through holiday 1998-99). Vendor co-op programs anticipated shared costs in development of media assets. Dick's Mission: Redefine sports and fitness specialty retailing for all athletes and outdoor enthusiasts through quality brands, information, technology and superior service. History: The year was 1948. Eighteen-year-old Dick Stack was an energetic salesman at a small Army and Navy store in Binghamton, New York. One day, the storeowner asked Dick, an avid fisherman, if it would be a good idea to sell fishing gear in his shop.
Dick offered to develop a plan. After working tirelessly on a business plan over a succession of sleepless nights, Dick nervously approached the owner with his vision. The response was stinging. Dumbfounded, Dick was told that he didn't know what he was doing and "would never make a good merchant." That evening, frustrated and dejected, Dick retreated to his grandmother's home. She listened quietly as he recounted his story. When he had finished, she rose silently and went to the kitchen. Removing the lid from her cookie jar, she extracted $300 of her hard-earned savings and pressed the bills into Dick's hand. "Dick, always follow your dreams," she advised.
With his grandmother's $300, Dick opened a modest bait and tackle shop in Binghamton. By 1958, at the urging of his loyal customers, he expanded his product line to include much of what you'll find at Dick's Sporting Goods today. Now with over 100 stores, Dick's family continues to offer the finest quality products at competitive prices, backed by the best service anywhere. Like you, we have a real passion for sports and are excited to bring this enthusiasm and experience to the online community.