CG "Cornucopia Group" WEB PRESENCE

Cornucopia Group
The Cornucopia Group is a trusted partnership, made up of forward thinkers. We work closely with marketing departments, presidents, boards of directors, the people who live and breathe their company's aspirations every day, and help make those aspirations a reality.
We've developed programs that have created a measurable return for a who's who list of companies across the country. If you have a passion for results, you should be interested in The Cornucopia Group. We build programs for national consumer and business-to-business clients, using proprietary methodologies, and technologies, that allow them to market, measure and profit.
The tools we leverage in the methods we use to service our clients are online and off, and you're familiar with most of them. What you've never seen, however, is how they can be used to drive sales. Our programs are so results-driven that we often structure our compensation based solely on the results we deliver. e.