- Software definition
- Getting Started
- Setup
- Platform
- Desktop Publishing
- Templates
- Pasteboard - Wide horizontal workspace outside the documents bounds (can drag elements and "store" them within this area)
- Grids
- InDesign Overview
- Menus
- Preference Categories
- Customizing
- Shortcuts
- Index
- Layers - Layer Options
- Libraries - Library Display
- Swatches - Same as paragraph style for text formatting, organizes content into a clear visual system or color code. Use "F5" or select Window> Swatches
- Snippets
- Searching
- Sorting
- Setting up files and Job Folder
- Picas And Points
- Resolution
- Screen Aspect Ratio versus Paper Format - Letter Size (Standard 8.5"x11")
- View > Fit Spread In Window
- View > Screen Mode > Normal or Preview
- Basic Document - set to ruler dimensions, defaults grey (graph paper)
- Pages and Books
- Spreads
- Master Page - stores repeated elements on several or all document pages
- A-Master - defaults to every page in a new document
- Grid (two main types)
- Baseline - set to body copy size, defaults blue (ruled notebook paper)
- Guides/Guidelines (Vertical, Horizontal) - blueline for alignment, defaults cyan, can be without gutter
- Margins -
- Columns (2, 3, 4 or more) -
- Gutter (set to 1p0) - space between columns
- Span - elements that stretch across multiple columns (e.g. a headline)
- Marks and Bleed
- Register/Registration Marks - print alignment of CMYK (cyan, magenta, yellow and black)
- Bleed - ink beyond document's trim edge, ensures when page is cut to final size there won't be an unwanted, slightly off-register white strip at the edge
- Frames (create, link, fill) graphic, textual, bounding box
- Frame Types
- I-Beam (Cursor, Insertion Point)
- File Import
- Placement
- Place (Loaded Cursor)
- Loaded Text Icon
- Loaded Place Icon
- Linked - reference to an external file (not embedded)
- Embedded
- Selection Tool
- Direct Selection - white arrow cursor (manipulates vector path)
- Add Anchor Point - Pen Tool - (manipulates vector points on a path)
- Transform
- Pen Points
- Paths
- Pencil
- Text
- Basic Text
- Objects Types
- Character
- Glyphs
- Placeholder Text - dummy copy, "lorem ipsum"
- Type> Fill w/Placeholder Text (while an i-Beam blinks in new text frame, select from the menu)
- Whitespace - While cursor is blinking Type> Insert White Space> Flush Space then Type > Paragraph palette, and select "Justify All"
- Paragraph Styles - Use "F11", or Select Window> Type & Tables> Paragraph Styles
- Text Ports (Flow In/Out)
- Text Overflow - text is truncated, having overrun the size of a text frame, indicated by out-port, lower right of text frame shows a red plus sign.
- Linked/Threaded Text - click on red plus sign (out-port), loads cursor with text, click elsewhere on document, text frame created (confirm large enough to hold the overflow text). Use menu View> Show Text Threads
- Text Wrap - Text wraps around a graphic frame with graphic frame highlighted. Select Window> Type & Tables> Text Wrap
- Window> Text Wrap (dialog box)
- Text Wrap Palette - with selection tool, a new frame selected, turn on "Wrap around Bounding Box" toggle button. Use: Window> Text Wrap.
- Text Effects
- On a Path
- Anchored Objects (Page or Text)
- Dynamic/Variable Text
- Page Number - Type> Insert Special Character> Next Page Number
- Cells
- Alternating Strokes and Fills
- Flush Space
- Justify All
- Tabs And Tables
- Mastead - Main header on the cover of a document (above the headline)
- Headline - Focal Point of text on a page
- Headers
- Footers
- Byline - author crediting text, end of article/under headline "by John Smith".
- Caption - explanatory text related tographic, illustration, or image
- Automating Work
- Spell Check
- Layout View versus Story Editor
- Working In Color
- Color Selections
- Tints
- Mixed Inks
- Overprint
- Fill - Interior of a shape with color, patern, or gradient
- Stroke - Outline of a shape with color, pattern or gradient
- Blend
- Effects
- Color Management
- File Ouput
- Separations
- Ink Manager
- Exporting
- Packager - Creates New Folder on Hard Drive with InDesign Document, Fonts, linked Graphics
- Printing
- Tiling
- Separations Preview